Office of Student Life

Fire Safety Checklist

Fire Prevention

  • Smoking materials properly contained (never in bed)
  • No cooking appliances in bedroom (hot pots, open-coil burners, toaster ovens)
  • Electrical outlets not overloaded
  • Electrical cords not running underneath rugs/carpeting
  • Electrical outlets in good condition - No sparking
  • Candles and/or incense not in use or properly contained and attended
  • All furniture cushions and waste cans checked for improperly discarded smoking materials after social events - Assign a Party Monitor
  • Fire extinguisher available near kitchen and exits
  • Know how to operate a fire extinguisher
  • Cooking operations always attended
  • No Barbeques on porches - At least 20 feet from building
  • Flammable liquids and combustibles safe distance away from furnace/water heater
  • All potential sources of ignition controlled
  • All mattresses flame retardant

Smoke Detection Plan

  • Smoke detectors located on every level of the house
  • Smoke detector located in the bedroom
  • Smoke detectors functioning (test weekly)

Fire Escape Plan

  • Escape plan memorized - Two ways out with your eyes closed
  • Fire escape or second exit functional
  • Windows openable to allow escape
  • Know to stay low in smoke


  • Renter's fire insurance policy (or rider on parent's policy)